I am very passionate about creating beautiful jewellery and art works in different mediums. I'm constantly evolving both in my designs and in my creativity.
Jewellery designing and creating gives me a wonderful sense of achievement and satisfaction. Gardening gives me a physical and energetic satisfaction which I thoroughly enjoy also.These two pursuits are performed in between all the other day to day tasks, but usually special time is set aside when I really want to devote special energy to the creative process.Saying all this,I really do only what just comes naturally!
I found this beautiful bearded iris flowering in the back garden today and it so reminded me of the charm and colours of the washi pendant mentioned in the previous post.
A little different touch this time..... Mellow and subtle hues of amethyst,fawn and bronze portrayed in this genuine Japanese washi paper pendant with czech glass amethyst beads and antique plated findings.